Cooperating, being curious, sharing – these are the building blocks of a child’s education that are formed in the first five years.

During these early years, a child’s brain is still growing, presenting educators with a neurological “window of opportunity” where children soak up learning. Academy teachers know how to unlock each child’s potential and make the most of these vital years.

The Academy lower school curriculum is designed to maximize hands-on learning opportunities. Our low student-to-teacher ratio, plus our responsive classroom approach, ensure that each child receives the type of stimulation she or he needs to best learn. Academy children collaborate, create, problem-solve, ask questions and trust their voices in a play-filled and nurturing environment.

Responding to the needs of each child

Between the ages of one and six, the greatest cognitive growth occurs through social interaction. In the “responsive classrooms” in the Lower School of Columbus Academy, social and emotional learning are as important as the academic curriculum.

The responsive classroom model creates a learning environment for happy, respectful and emotionally intelligent children. See the Social and Emotional Learning video above.

Children in our classrooms feel a sense of belonging, that they are significant and that it is safe to take risks. Both children and teachers practice the principles of CARES daily: cooperation, assertion, responsibility, empathy and self-control. These skills set the foundation for academic and social success throughout a child’s life and reinforce what parents are teaching at home.

Knowing a child’s learning style

The teachers in our Early Childhood Program and PreK have a mantra: Know the Child. With a ratio of one teacher to eight students, children get personal attention at the age when they need it most.

Is your child a numbers whiz kid or a Picasso of papier mache? Are they a bundle of energy or more relaxed and laid back?

Teachers at Columbus Academy will know how they learn best, what skills they need to strengthen and how to tailor a teaching style to each child. They also seize on spontaneous moments — a discovery a child has made or a conflict between two students that is an opportunity to teach fairness. In a larger classroom, these unexpected teachable moments might be overlooked. At Academy, they occur several times a day.

What should parents look for in our Early Childhood Program?

Enthusiastic teachers and a joyous, energetic environment. Caring and respect among teachers and children. Small classrooms where children get one-on-one attention. Student art in the hallways and plenty of play spaces, indoors and out. And most important — look at the children. Are they eager to tell you what they’re doing? Are they bubbling over with the excitement of learning?

For more on the importance of the formative years of a child’s education, see the Shaping Young Minds for the Future video above.

The Early Childhood Program at Columbus Academy is the launchpad for your child’s education. Teachers and staff help children be happy, self-motivated, well-rounded and academically ahead of the game. Those precious early years will be over all too soon. Make every minute count.

Meet Our Early Childhood Program Staff