Curriculum Overview
Lower School
In Lower School, our young actors explore storytelling through dramatic play, musical movement and exploration of space and are introduced to the 5 tools of the actor. First- and fourth-graders learn the basics of putting together a theatrical production including rehearsal and repetition, empathy and support of your cast, using growth mindset to create characters and presentation/performance for an audience.
Middle School
In Middle School, our students have the opportunity to participate in theatre classes throughout their three years. In sixth grade, students are introduced to core acting skills through games, scenes, playwriting, and devising. They have the opportunity to expand their knowledge of theatre productions and technical theatre skills in seventh grade in semester long elective courses. In eighth grade, every student writes, prepares, and performs their Eighth Grade Speech based on the VIA Character Strengths, drawing upon effective storytelling techniques.
Upper School
In Upper School, our students have the opportunity to participate in four theatre electives, all of which offer opportunities for performance and/or design portfolio credits independent of our after-school production program. Theatre and Stage Movement is open to students grade 9-12 and focuses on various acting methods, one dance form per year (tap, jazz, musical theatre, choreography development), and stage combat. TSM also provides a yearly PE credit to students who participate. Technical Theatre (half credit) and Portfolio Technical Theatre (full credit) are open to students grades 10-12, and focus on but not limited to: lighting, set, costume, props, projection, and sound design. These students implement their own designs into school productions, and end with a production portfolio. Acting and Directing Intensive is open to juniors and seniors who have shown a deep interest in the theatre arts and wish to continue the theatre education in college or their community after graduation. Students have the opportunity to create an audition book, self-tapes, and various performances as an actor, as well as a production portfolio and workshop staging as a director.
Production Opportunities
Theatre performance has been an integral part of the Columbus Academy experience since the school was founded. At Columbus Academy, students are encouraged to get involved in performance and technical theatre opportunities that exist outside their classwork. We believe that through the process of rehearsals and performances of the theatre productions, our students practice empathy, learn to collaborate respectfully with peers and theatre artists, exercise ingenuity and problem solving, take ownership of their artistic identity, and share meaningful stories live on stage. Our yearly productions are as follows:
Upper School Fall Play
Students prepare and perform a full-length established play which typically opens in late October. Rehearsals and performances are extra-curricular, and all students are encouraged to get involved as an actor or technician, regardless of previous experience.
Middle School Musical
Students prepare and perform a “junior” or “young performers edition” established musical which typically opens in late January or early February. Rehearsals and performances are extra-curricular, and all students are encouraged to get involved as an actor or technician, regardless of previous experience.
Fourth Grade Musical
All fourth-graders prepare a Jr. version (45-60 minutes) of an established musical in late February as a Capstone project. Audition workshops begin in September during general music class and prepare students for the singing and acting portions of the audition process. All students audition for both the musical director and the director. Rehearsals are primarily in small groups during school hours with a two-week, after school, onstage rehearsal process that includes the addition of technical elements: lighting, sound, makeup and costumes. This process culminates in two performances - one for the Lower School and one for families and friends.
First Grade Musical
All first-graders prepare a 25-minute performance including themes of growth mindset, empathy, compassion, and teamwork. (GOAL!, Wing it!, It’s a Hit!) There is no audition process. Students are encouraged to volunteer for speaking parts in the following ways: any part assigned, group text, “something small” or “no thank you.” Rehearsals are during general music class and include projection, movement, listening for cues/preparation, and empathy support of your castmates. This low stress production provides on stage prompt books to support readers/performers at all levels.
Upper School Musical
Students prepare and perform a full-length established musical which typically opens in late April. Rehearsals and performances are extracurricular, and all students are encouraged to get involved as an actor or technician, regardless of previous experience.
Theatre Department Mission Statement
The Columbus Academy Theatre Department is committed to quality theatrical experience. We develop strong acting and technical skills while fostering a lifelong respect, appreciation, and love of theatre. Involvement in an active dramatic arts community enhances personal growth and results in greater compassion and empathy. Through continued creative exploration of human nature, we nurture and develop knowledge of self and others.
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Production History (from the last decade)
The Importance of Being Earnest–US Fall Play
The SpongeBob Musical: Youth Edition–MS Musical
A Year with Frog and Toad–4th Grade Musical
Wing It! - 1st grade musical
Big Fish: School Edition–US Musical2023-2024
CLUE, HS Edition–US Fall Play
Finding Nemo KIDS–4th Grade Musical
Newsies, Jr–MS Musical
Squirm! - 1st Grade Musical
Sister Act–US Musical2022-2023
Little Women–US Fall Play
Aladdin, Jr–MS Musical
Frozen, Kids!--4th Grade Musical
Goal! - 1st Grade Musical
Something Rotten!--US Musical2021-2022
The Dining Room–US Fall Play
Matilda, Jr–MS Musical
Madagascar, Kids!--4th Grade Musical
Swamped! - 1st Grade Musical
Mamma Mia!--US Musical2020-2021
The Glass Menagerie–US Fall Play
Kittens & Auditions–MS Online Live Zoom Play
Moana, Kids!--4th Grade Musical
It’s a Hit! - 1st Grade Musical
Voices to the Sky–US Musical Recorded Album2019-2020
Check Please–US Fall Play
Beauty & The Beast–MS Musical
The Wizard of Oz, Kids!--4th Grade Musical
Wing It! - 1st grade musical
Lunch Lady: Tater Tots of Love (workshop rehearsals)--US Musical2018-2019:
12 Angry Jurors–US Fall Play
Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat–MS Musical
Willy Wonka, Kids!--4th Grade Musical
Arf! - 1st grade Musical
RENT, HS Edition–US Musical2017-2018
A Voice in the Dark–US Fall Play
Singing In the Rain, Jr–MS Musical
Pirates Past Noon–4th Grade Musical
Squirm! - 1st Grade Musical
Theory of Relativity–US Musical2016-2017
The Odd Couple–US Fall Play
Alice in Wonderland, Jr–MS Musical
The Lion King, Kids!--4th Grade Musical
Muncha, Muncha, Muncha! - 1st Grade Musical
The Drowsy Chaperone–US Musical2015-2016
Play On!--US Fall Play
Little Mermaid, Jr–MS Musical
Magic Tree House: Knights At Dawn–4th Grade Musical
Les Miserables–US Musical2014-2015
Jake’s Women–US Fall Play
Shrek Jr.–MS Musical
A Year with Frog and Toad–4th Grade Musical
Addams Family–US Musical