Columbus Academy educates our students not just for success in the classroom, but for success in life, and the members of our Academy community are committed to ensuring its future.

Through strategic philanthropic planning, your legacy at CA-and for your family-can be greater than you imagine.

Bequest or inclusion in your will

Leaving a set amount or percentage of your estate is as simple as adding a codicil to your will, and we can provide you with the language to add.

Whole or partial beneficiary of IRA, 401(k), 403(b)

Retirement plan funds are taxed when they are disbursed... unless the funds go directly to a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Simply name Columbus Academy as a beneficiary in your online account portal or by phone.

The simplest, most cost-efficient way for me to make a significant gift to our Class of 1955 Scholarship Fund was naming Columbus Academy a beneficiary of my IRA." Sheldon Taft '55 

Whole or partial beneficiary of life insurance policy

A no-cost way to make a generous gift; simply designate Columbus Academy as a beneficiary of the policy in your online account portal or by contacting your insurer.


Every philanthropic gift is important to our educational mission, and our department is always here to help you. Please contact Erich Hunker ’81, Assistant Head of School for Development/External Relations with any questions by phone (614-509-2226) or email at We look forward to working with you!