
Lauren Shuneson has taught at Columbus Academy since 2014 before moving into her current position as technology coordinator for the Lower School at the start of the 2024-25 school year. Her role includes overseeing the Lower School MakerSpace and technology-related courses for grades 1-5. She is also a member of the Lower School discipline committee and the faculty book club. Lauren most recently taught fifth grade on campus, this after teaching language arts in the Middle School. In years past, Lauren was a SEED leader, Middle School volleyball coach and community coordinator for the Lower School. Prior to Academy, Lauren taught several grade levels in the Kateri Catholic School System in Toledo, including sixth grade social studies, seventh and eighth grade language arts, and ninth grade modern world history. She has a B.S. in education and an M.Ed. from Miami University, where she graduated magna cum laude. Lauren and her husband Andrew have two children and a Goldendoodle pup named Nora.

Lauren’s favorite thing about Columbus Academy
I love being able to work closely with students and have opportunities to know them as unique learners. At CA, there is something in the schedule for every child and I love having the opportunity to see them excited for experiences that bring them joy and confidence.”

Little-known fact
“I cry during most of the background stories of contestants on Dancing With the Stars.”

Favorite food/places to eat
“Avacados and favorite place to eat would be Hudson 29 or Tucci's.

  • B.S. Miami University , Education
  • M.Ed. Miami University